
I am not sure if some has had this problem before, but I encountered
difficulties when using the endnotes package with lyx and did not find
any answers on the LyX WiKi site describing how to use Jurabib with LyX.

The core problem was that although I had inserted \usepackage{endnotes}
in the preamble, references inserted as footnotes still appeared as
footnotes in the final output and an ERT containing \theendnotes
resulted in errors. After studying both the Jurabib documentation and
TLC2e (both giving no direct answer to this question either), I tried
out inserting \renewcommand\footnote{\endnote} into the preamble - and
now everything works.

I think this issue should also be described in the LyX WiKi. Or am I
missing something?

Kind regards,

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