Am Freitag, 23. Juni 2006 18:13 schrieb Paul A. Rubin:

Hi Paul (I am sure your mother was right..)
> Disclaimer:  I have not done this myself (being an English-speaker)
> (although the Brits might disagree).  Theoretically, if you run latex
> against makebst.tex and choose merlin as the master file, you should be
> asked what language to use. The default choice is merlin (which means
> English), but you should answer german.mbs, spanish.mbs or whatever
> language you need.  If you want English, the default should be
> merlin.mbs and it should work.  (There is an english.mbs if you want to
> try that.)
> Does that help?

yes, it does, 

but how do I make changes in the dbj file effective (I want to avoid running 
the latex makebst again). With other words, how do I get my.bst from my.dbj?
Or do I make the changes in bst directly? But what is than the function of the 


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