From: "Paul A. Rubin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Graphics quality in PDF vs. PS, etc.
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2006 12:00:20 -0400

Uwe Stöhr wrote:

As I understood you, you insert the graphics as EPS in LyX and produce then the PDF via pdflatex. I also use pdflatex for the PDF-output but insert all graphics as PDF. This has the advantage that the compilation process is much faster because JPG, PNG, and PDF-graphics can directly be embedded into a PDF so that no conversion step is needed. This increases the compilation time and avoids your problem.
A very good EPS -> PDF converter is Ghostscript (and of course Acrobat).

And if Curtis is using Mathematica to generate the graphs, he can export them directly to PDF from Mathematica.



A good point. Unfortunately, the PDF export from Mathematica is problematical, at least with this particular plot (I've never run into troubles before, but I've never worked with such large graphics files, either); a .pdf IS generated, of the correct name and filesize, but is absolutely blank when viewed in Acrobat or Ghostview. If I remove all text from the generated file before exporting it, a PART of the file renders, but its aspect ratio is off. (These two points are problems for me and Wolfram to figure out, so just incidental to this list) Finally, if I'm not mistaken, exporting the graphic directly as PDF means that all the advantage of being able to use LaTeX fonts when LyX does its rendering is lost; the fonts and their size will be fixed in the .pdf file, and may not match the default fonts in LyX without some careful planning. If I'm wrong on this point, please let me know!

Thanks to all for their help and replies. This list and its expert readers have always been a great help to me.

  Curtis O.

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