Gustavo Felisberto wrote:
As can be seen here:
Lyx and aspell are not workin ok together in words with accents (
portuguese in my case ).

If i start lyx with LC_ALL=C lyx all works ok, but from what i found in the 
wiki this should no longer happen.
This is indeed a language problem.  I get the same with norwegian, because
my system is set up to use LANG=nb_NO.UTF-8 and lyx
does not yet support UTF-8.

My solution is to use LANG=nb_NO or LANG=nb_NO.ISO8859-1
when running lyx.  That way, the menus etc. in lyx is still in norwegian,
and there is no problem with non-ascii stuff in the spellchecker either.

I am sure you can do a very similar trick using portuguese language
codes instead of norwegian.

If you don't want to type the portuguese equivalent of
LANG=nb_NO ; lyx
everytime you need to run lyx, then modify your menu system
to run the above command, or make a wrapper script.

A wrapper script can be made like this:
Log in as root, then give these commands:
cd /usr/local/bin      (or /usr/bin if that is where your lyx lives)
mv lyx lyx.real         (the lyx application gets a new name)
echo 'LANG=nb_NO;lyx.real $*' > lyx
chmod oug+x lyx

Now "lyx" is a script that sets the language code, and then runs
lyx.real which is the new name for the lyx application.

Helge Hafting

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