Paul A. Rubin wrote:
Paul A. Rubin wrote:

I finally got around to trying this on my home PC, which runs XP Home rather than XP Pro. Under XP Home, alt-F4 did *not* kill cmd.exe. On my laptop (XP Pro), it does. I haven't had a chance to try the XP Pro machine in my office (as I'm assiduously avoiding going anywhere near the office).

My luck ran out and I ended up at the office. It turns out that alt-F4 does not kill either LyX or cmd.exe here (XP Pro). So my XP Pro laptop, where it does work, is apparently the outlier, although I have no explanation for why it works there.


I tried closing LyX with Alt-f4 with LyX1.4.1 and it didn't work,
but with Joost's 1.4.2, closing with alt-f4 works if installed in either C:\LyXx or C:\Program Files\LyXx (path space), so it must
be 'an obvious fact since those are the most deceptive.'


"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter
how improbable, must be the truth." SH: Sherlock Holmes (Doyle)

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