met vriendelijke groet / kind regards,

Maarten Sanders
Hi all,

I got a bit further, I found a workaround. If I export the file twice in a row 
the page numbering gets right. For some reason my document is too complex and 
needs one more go before the index files are right. Should I report this as a 


-----Original Message-----
From: Sanders, Maarten (M.J.L.) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 11 July 2006 13:59
Subject: Hyperref, memoir, chappg=> pdf page numbering oddity when including


I am wondering if anyone has seen this before and can help me to overcome.

I have a master document containing many Child documents and branches and in 
ERT frontmatter and mainmatter. If I generate a pdf from this document I get a 
nice document with roman numbers for the frontmatter, plainpages for the part 
pages and chappg numbering on the chapter pages. This numbering is also visible 
in acroread as it is printed on the pages, except for the part pages where 
ordinary page numbering is used.

The funny thing which happens is that when I include this master document in 
another document with the sole purpose of activating branches the roman 
numbering breaks in the middle of the multipage index to normal numbers and the 
chappg numbering in the acroread bottom bar becomes one chapter ahead.

Does anyone have a clue on why this is happening? Below my .layout file which 
might be interesting for other people as well.



#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass[memoir]{memoir in van Oord stijl}
# Memoir textclass definition file
# Author: Jürgen Spitzmüller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# Improvements by: Bennett Helm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# feel free to contribute missing features!

Input memoir.layout

# Eigen styles

# Style Warning:

Style Warning
  Margin                First_Dynamic
  LatexType             Command
  LatexName             warning
  ParIndent             MM
  ParSkip               0.4
  Align                 Block
  AlignPossible         Block, Left
  BottomSep             0.4
  Labelsep              xx
  LabelType             Static
  LabelString           "Warning:"
    Color               Red
    Size                Large
    Color               Black
    Shape               Italic

# Style Tip:

Style Tip
  Margin                First_Dynamic
  LatexType             Command
  LatexName             tip
  ParIndent             MM
  ParSkip               0.4
  Align                 Block
  AlignPossible         Block, Left
  BottomSep             0.4
  Labelsep              xx
  LabelType             Static
  LabelString           "Tip:"
    Color               Blue
    Size                Large
    Color               Black
    Shape               Italic

# Style Leesvoer:

Style Leesvoer
  Margin                First_Dynamic
  LatexType             Command
  LatexName             info
  ParIndent             MM
  ParSkip               0.4
  Align                 Block
  AlignPossible         Block, Left
  BottomSep             0.4
  Labelsep              xx
  LabelType             Static
  LabelString           "Info:"
    Color               Magenta
    Size                Large
    Color               Black
    Shape               Italic
End #============================================================


%  /usr/share/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf shell_escape = t zetten
% genereren md5sum t.b.v versienummer 

 \immediate\write18{echo `md5sum \jobname.dvi | sed 's/ .*$//'` > \tmpfile}

%% onder windows niet...

% Opmaak kop- en voetteksten
\makeheadrule{plain}{120mm}{.5pt} \makefootrule{plain}{120mm}{.5pt}{1mm}

\makeheadrule{part}{120mm}{.5pt} \makefootrule{part}{120mm}{.5pt}{1mm}


% Opmaak TOC \renewcommand{\printtoctitle}[1]{\huge\bfseries\sffamily #1} 
\cftpagenumbersoff{part} \renewcommand{\cftpartfont}{\bfseries\huge\sffamily}

% Opmaak van Part in de TOC
\setlength{\cftbeforepartskip}{15mm}    % Ruimte boven Part
\newlength{\mylenb} % a "scratch" length \setlength{\mylenb}{.5em} % extra 
space at end of number \renewcommand{\cftpartpresnum}{Deel } % note the double 
'l' %\renewcommand{\cftpartaftersnum}{ - } \newlength{\mylena} % a "scratch" 
length \settowidth{\mylena}{\cftpartfont\cftpartpresnum\cftpartaftersnum}
\addtolength{\cftpartnumwidth}{\mylena} % add the extra space

% Lettertype
% sans serif
% serif

% Mooie inline breuken
% Gebruik: ERT \nicefrac{teller}{noemer}

% Part, chapter enz. layout 
\renewcommand{\partnamefont}{\normalfont\bfseries\huge\sffamily\centering} %% 
raggedright\ \renewcommand{\partnumfont}{\normalfont\bfseries\huge\sffamily}

\setlength{\afterchapskip}{.5cm} \renewcommand{\afterchaptertitle}{%


  \hrulefill \par\nobreak\noindent\vskip\afterchapskip}

% section nummers in marge


% Taal

% Pagina-layout
% Gebruik \usepackage{layout} in de pre-amble en een ERT-box met \layout in het 
document om de betekenis hiervan te zien %\reversemarginpar %\hoffset 0mm 
%\voffset 0mm %%\oddsidemargin 35mm %\topmargin 0mm %\headheight 12pt %\headsep 
5mm %\textheight 230mm %\textwidth 120mm %\marginparsep 0mm %\marginparwidth 
15mm %\footskip 10mm %\marginparpush 5pt %\paperwidth 210mm %\paperheight 297mm 
%%\addtolength{\footnotesep}{30mm}      % Verticale afstand tussen footnoterule 
en footnote
%\addtolength{\skip\footins}{15mm}      % Verticale afstand tussen hoofdtekst 
en footnote
%\kern -3pt % call this kerna
%\hrule height 0.1pt width 0.4\columnwidth
%\kern 2.6pt % call this kernb

% Kunnen rekenen met dimensies

% Versiebeheer tags

% Doornummeren enumeratie na onderbreking
% Plaats hiervoor het volgende in een ERT-box:
%\begin{enumerate}[start=3]     (lijst begint met 3)
%\item tekst1
%\item tekst2
%\item tekst3

% Aanpassing opmaak Description 
\normalfont\bfseries #1}

% kleuren definieren voor gebruik

\usepackage[usenames]{color} \definecolor{oordblauwa}{cmyk}{.15,.04,0,0}

% file-namen afbreken
\discretionaries |[EMAIL PROTECTED]&*()_+`-=#{}[]:";<>,.?\/| % truukje om 
taakmenuhelpfile en %m ainmenuhelpfile goed af te breken. k en u erbij, ' eruit 
% dit is wel tricky, maar voorlopig werkt het

%% Paginanummers en TOC in index
%% \usepackage{tocbibind} zit al in memoir uit zichzelf?? Proberen met LyX 
versie 1.4.2.

% Voor de grafische menu's

% Automatisch centreren van afbeeldingen













% Automatisch centreren van tabellen












% Eigen commmando's
\hspace{0.5cm}% \framebox{\parbox[t]{0.9\textwidth}{\textit{#1}}}}

\raisebox{-1\baselineskip}% {\includegraphics[width=1cm]{images/doc-tip.eps}}%
\hspace{0.5cm}% \framebox{\parbox[t]{0.9\textwidth}{\textit{#1}}}}

\hspace{0.5cm}% \framebox{\parbox[t]{0.9\textwidth}{\textit{#1}}}}

% PDF opties

    colorlinks=true, % als we geen rode hokjes om de links willen (print wel!)
% Fix PDF links bij gebruik van memoir + hyperref \usepackage{memhfixc}


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