On Fri, 14 Jul 2006, Bruce Pourciau wrote:

Suppose all my papers lie in subject A, and I have a master bib file
(created using BibDesk) for that subject. For a particular paper only a
subset of all the references in this master bib file might be used. What
are the advantages and disadvantages of using that subset to form a
separate bib file for that paper? One advantage: In LyX, I scroll through
the references and pick the appropriate one to be inserted in the paper,
and this is faster if there are fewer references to scroll through. One
disadvantage: any changes to a reference in the master bib file have to be
repeated in any separate bib file that contains that reference. Others?


  I don't know anything about Macs or BibDesk, so my comments may not be
appropriate. I'm in the incredibly tedious process of entering all my
scientific references into RefDB. When I want to pull all references in
subject A, I get them from the database by keyword(s) and write a BibTeX
file. That file is moved to the document directory and used for the one

  If BibDesk lets you write the selected references to a .bib, that's what I
would do.

  Now, if you change the master reference, you can regenerate your
document-specific list if that change affects the printed reference itself.


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.               |    The Environmental Permitting
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