well I have downloaded tex4ht-all.zip from http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/support/TeX4ht/ and unziped it in c:/tex4ht. Also downloaded the newt4ht.zip <http://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/%7Egurari/TeX4ht/fix/newt4ht.zip> from http://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/~gurari/TeX4ht/bugfixes.html and unzipped it to c:/tex4ht.

I have mod'd the miktex-install.bat to match the current package paths, but still get a few errors and warnings.

I have to fiddle around trying to put tex4ht.zip in C:\tex4ht\tex4ht dir.

Still after all this hackery I still get pretty much same errors doing a "htlatex xypic.tex".

I have yet to try that approach via the setup.exe you said worked. Seems a bit over the top to have to install parallel versions of Miktex to accomplish this.

I have to take a step back here at say the reason I tried Lyx in the first place was basically because my Dad writes books and is constantly dueling with formatting hassles with Word. I also have a biz partner who write mountains of doco in Word and is tired of formatting hassles. So when I discovered Lyx I thought it might be easier for them, as it concentrates on structure rather than the hassles with format.

Now this Lyx bundle offers a nice solution, and I still might go with it, but I kinda wanted the Export to Word/html as a safety net if people required those formats. I cannot really go thru all this hassle trying to get this install completely.

I totally agree with your motto about persistence being the key to success, but unfortunately I am going to have to toss the ball back into the Lyx team's court on this one and hope they can get full Export capability into the bundle. They advertise you don't have to delve into the Tex world to use their product so I am going to hold them to that :) Certainly is an impressive product tho.

I will check back regularly to see if there is a clean way to install all this tex4ht component for Lyx..

Heaps of thanks for your efforts mate.


Steve Harris wrote:
Dean O'Connor wrote:

So I guess if I have to get/install tex4ht, where exactly do I get it from ???
Obviously, it seems only logical all this be included in the Lyx bundle.


The thing is that the whole miktex bundle is around 470mb and
the link is to about a 202mb installation of Miktex. Some
things get left out.

You notice that Miktex2.5 is small and doesn't contain
tex4ht.cab in its download.

I uninstalled Miktex2.4 in order to reproduce your error.
The 1.4.2 installer doesn't download the tex4ht package.

Afterwards I reinstalled:
So I used the Miktex setup.exe to download all the 2.4
packages (cabs) to a local repository (miktexfiles). Then
I ran Miktex setup.exe again and chose install from a
local repository (C:\miktexfiles) to C:\texmf using
the defaults and choosing Complete. It is time-consuming
so let it run over lunch.

htlatex works again. I have C:\texmf\miktex\bin in
Windows Path statement. Otherwise I have sent you two
posts with urls for the tex*zip files. That is not
the method I chose, I used the *.cab method.

Good luck,

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