Finally, I re-installed LaTeX - this time with MacTex, not i- Installer, then LyX - which worked even without running the Mac LyX- installer: Now, all the classes are available, I can create output - though, instead of "Preview", Safari pops up and wants to show the PDFs ... but that's not important. I can also use DVI - which did not work in the old installation - which is turned into PDFs and shown by TeXmaker that came with MacTeX. So, everything is almost even better than before. Somehow I must have broken my LaTeX installation - don't know how, but doesn't matter anymore :-)

Thanks for all the helping suggestions  - keep on "happy lyxing"


Am 21.07.2006 um 17:47 schrieb Bennett Helm:

On Jul 21, 2006, at 11:41 AM, Bernd Kulawik wrote:

Also, regarding the hints by Anders, if I become su or use sudo and type "texhash" I get: "command not found" -- of course, I first updated in installed everything i-Installer knows of or shows as available packages ... :-/

This indicates that something is wrong with your teTeX installation.

but i-Installer updated everything fine ... and it worked already, as I wrote earlier, and then "broke" without any changes to the OS or parts of the system, of course especially no changes on the TeX installation have been made (before the update with i-Installer today)

(Can you use LyX to generate a .tex file and then run latex manually on that?)

no, unfortunately, not even that: File export only as ASCII or Lyx-1.3, preview only as ASCII ...

The point is that if using the Terminal you can't find texhash (or latex or kpsewhich, e.g.), then you can't expect LyX to find them either. (Try entering "which latex" from in the Terminal to see if that gives you a path to a working latex.) For your installation, it should return:



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