Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
Good morning

Is there an easier way to replace cite{ with citealt{
as to run a replace in the lyx document?

The publisher wants (Miller 2001) instead of (Miller (2001))

I am thinking of \bibpunct in the preamble, but am not sure whether appropriate here and how to use it

There is probably a script in a repository which allows
you to specify a find term/replace term, recursively, in
a designated input file. I've seen a recommendation to
use a powerful text editor since the .lyx file is text.
I have used Xemacs on large dictionary text files. But
perhaps it is more convenient to change your package.

I was just reading about this earlier today:

"That is, a bibliographical entry like

\bibitem[Donald~E. Knuth 1986]{Knuth–CT–a} Donald~E. Knuth.
\newblock \emph{The {\TeX}book}, volume~A of \emph{Computers and
Typesetting}. \newblock Addison–Wesley, Reading, MA, USA, 1986.

will allow the \cite command to produce "(Donald E. Knuth 1986)"

but not "Donald E. Knuth (1986)" or just "Knuth" or just "1986"
as well. You also have to ensure that \bibitem does not display
the label, but that outcome can be fairly easily arranged.

The solution used by all implementations for author-date support
is to introduce a special syntax within the optional argument of
\bibitem. In some implementations this structure is fairly simple.
For instance, chicago requires only

\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Goossens, Rahtz, and Mittelbach}
{Goossens et~al.}{1997}]{LGC97}"


For example, the chicago package, which aimed to implement the
recommendations of The Chicago Manual of Style [38], offers the
following list of commands (plus variants all ending in NP to
omit the parentheses—for example, \citeNP):


(Goosens, Rahtz, and Mittelback 1997)  \cite{LGC97}       \\

(Goosens, Rahtz, and Mittelback)       \citeA{LGC97}      \\

Goosens, Rahtz, and Mittelback (1997)  \citeN{LGC97}      \\

(Goosens and Rahtz 1999)               \shortcite{LWC99}  \\

(Goosens and Rahtz)                   \shortciteA{LWC99}  \\

Goossens and Rahtz (1999)             \shortciteN{LWC99}  \\

(1999),                             \citeyear{LWC99},     \\

1999                                 \citeyearNP{LWC99}   \\



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