
It's not that I really have a preference as to the document class, but I
am being constrained by the regulations of a Thesis layout from the
University and I'm trying to use the document class that requires the
least amount of modification. Currently I am using the memoir class but
have still encountered a couple of formatting issues that I haven't been
able to figure out even with the 300+ page documentation for it.

I've also been experimenting with book (koma-script),
report(koma-script), and a couple of others. However, it seems that each
class has some formatting issue that I have to try and resolve and it is
becoming extremely tedious to try and read the documentation for each
class and try to modify them to my needs.

For the most part, the formatting has come down to the toc. I need
dotted leaders for all entries including chapters, toc, lof, lot, bib,
appendix, and chapter* sections or chapter sections that are not
numbered by using the \frontmatter command. Also the Appendix format in
the toc needs to be Appendix A. title . . . . . . \thepage. This is
where the mwcls has given me almost all of these formatting requirements
except the page number needs to be in the right header on every page in
the document and the toc needs to be included in the toc. Without
documentation I haven't been able to figure out how to get the page
number there. I just need to know how to change the chapter page style
to get the page number displayed in the right header using the default
myheadings pagestyle like you can in the memoir and koma-script classes.
Also, the tocbibind package doesn't seem to be compatible with this
document class to include the toc in the toc.

I have had a lot of success with the memoir class. This is actually my
preferred document class right now for my thesis. Using the
\chaptersyle{article} has given me almost everything I need. All that is
left is to have dotted leaders for chapters in the toc and to figure out
how to change the Appendix style. I need the appendix style to be
Appendix A 'title' . . . \thepage in the toc and Appendix A 'title' on
the appendix page. I've been through most of the memoir documentation
and there seems to be some way of changing the Appendix name by
\appendixname but it hasn't worked for me. I am still pretty new to all
of this so I may be missing some important step.

Any help or additional information would be greatly appreciated.

Bob Lounsbury

On Fri, 2006-08-25 at 12:00 +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> >>>>> "Bob" == Bob Lounsbury <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Bob> Hi, This is my first post to this list. I'm trying to write a
> Bob> thesis and dread the thought of using Microsoft Word, this is
> Bob> where an internet search found LyX. I've been experimenting with
> Bob> it a have come to really appreciate the power of the program. I
> Bob> found a document class called 'book (mwbk)' that is almost an
> Bob> exact match for the formatting requirements of my University. I'm
> Bob> trying to find documentation for this document class but I can
> Bob> only find documentation in polish. Does anyone have English
> Bob> documentation?
> What is it that you like in mwbook? It is indeed designed for Polish
> texts. 
> JMarc

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