On 8/29/06, K. Elo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
is there any possibilities to prevent lyx from resetting the counter of
enumerated lists when several enumerated lists appear in different
sections? What I am looking for is the possibility to have a
continuously numerated list separated with section titles, i.e.:

a) Section a
1. List item #1
2. List item #2
3. List item #3
b) Section b
4. List item #4
5. List item #5
c) Section c
6. List item #6
7. List item #7
8. List item #8

Any ideas how to make this happen? I have tried to insert the following

into the preamble, but this is not working.


I have not tried it, but the section "Break and Continue a Enumerate List" at


seems to be a solution for your problem.


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