Thanks for the help, that worked nicely for the chapter vertical space.
Now how to I modify the vertical space for the other sections? I tried
these commands with no success.


Thanks again,

On Wed, 2006-08-30 at 10:05 +0200, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:

> Bob Lounsbury wrote:
> > Does anyone know how to modify the chapter vertical space above and
> > below a chapter title for the koma-script book class? I've looked
> > through the pdf, but I don't see any options.
> \renewcommand*{\chapterheadstartvskip}{\vspace*{<+/- some value>}} 
> \renewcommand*{\chapterheadendvskip}{\vspace*{<+/- some value>}} 
> > Also, is there a way to make the lists look better? I need my document
> > to be double spaced and that makes the lists look bad even if I try to
> > define each item as single spaced. See attached screen printout of the
> > list issues and my need for the chapter title to not have any vertical
> > space above it.
> Jürgen

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