Switching to the lyx.devel list.
pol wrote:
> I have noticed that inner level text lines do not auto indent.
> E.g., as a new line is entered at the second level 'itemize' environment,
> that is assigned the first level 'itemize' environment.
> The same for 'standard' environment: Entering new line at a nested level
> brings you back to the first level, while i would expect a new line at the
> current one.
> I think this is a lyx weakness. Can we expect improvements on this side,
> in next releases?

What is mostly annoying is that, adding a new line in the middle of an
indented text, the whole text below gets automatically indented down.
See the enclosed test lyx file to check out.


--- enc

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\begin_layout Itemize
one line

\begin_layout Itemize
one line

\begin_layout Itemize
one line

\begin_layout Itemize
one line

\begin_layout Itemize
one line

\begin_layout Standard
indented line - 
\series bold
\series default
 new line 
\series bold
at the end
\series default
 of this line (all the following text will be indented down)

\begin_layout Itemize
one line

\begin_layout Standard
indented line

\begin_layout Standard
indented line

\begin_layout Itemize
one line

\begin_layout Standard
indented line

\begin_layout Standard
indented line

\begin_layout Itemize
one line

\begin_layout Itemize
one line

\begin_layout Itemize
one line


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