On 9/10/06, Georg Baum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I understand your point, Georg, however I do not see any way to insert
> epslatex pictures generated by Gnuplot but using ERT. If ERT is the
> only way left, then it seems that LyX should add a simpler and
> automatic way, likewise it already does with xfig figures.

I don't understand. Inserting gnuplot figures with the graphics inset works
perfectly for me, and it is equivalent to what you did with ERT +
automatic conversion.
Of course you need to include the generated .eps file, not the original
gnuplot file, so it is not as comfortable as with xfig, but still better
than ERT.

The problem is that the format epslatex separates the picture into two
files: one with the LaTeX commands and the other one being an eps file
with the picture itself. Thus, by inserting only the eps file, one
misses the LaTeX content. The command


given as ERT is recognized as, in truth, including two files:
mypicture.tex and mypicture.eps. Therefore, the graphics inset (of
LyX) seems to be useless here. Just try it to see exactly what I mean.


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