Hi I'm trying to use Lyx to write an article and I need to introduce/define some
acronyms. How am I supposed to do it? Do I need to write latex code within the
text? Isn't there a simpler way? Unfortunately I didn't find anything in the
manual. Any help would be appreciated.
One route is to use the acronym package, by inserting \usepackage{acronym} in your preamble. References to specific acronyms can then be inserted in the text as ERTs, e.g. \ac{TLA}. At the end of the document, in another ERT insert, you need to add the corresponding list of acronym definitions, e.g.

\acro{TLA}{Three Letter Acronym}

The default behaviour is that for the first occasion on which the acronym is referenced the acronym will be shown in full, i.e. Three Letter Acronym (TLA). Thereafter only the abbreviated form is given, i.e. TLA. It's possible to control this behaviour. For instance, \acf{TLA} repeats the full definition, \acs{TLA) forces the use of the abbreviated form, and \acp{TLA} gives the output as Three Letter Acronyms or TLAs depending on whether this is the first or subsequent time that the acronym has been referenced.

I keep a separate LaTeX file containing all of the acronyms that I commonly use and include this at the end of the document that I'm writing, calling the acronym package as follows, \usepackage[printonlyused]{acronym}. This prints out only those acronyms used in the body of the text.

The latest version of the acronym package can be found at

Good luck,


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