On Oct 18, 2006, at 8:04 AM, Johan Tegin wrote:

Sue Kientz wrote:
On Oct 4, 2006, at 12:19 PM, Bennett Helm wrote:
On Oct 4, 2006, at 3:10 PM, Sue Kientz wrote:
A colleague of mine finds that a manual we've built in LyX will not
display (in LyX) her PS and PDF images, when she looks at it on her
Mac OS X Macbook. I can see everything allright from my Mac OS X
desktop, and she can see the images via LyX on her Linux desktop. On
her macbook, when she converts to PDF, everything shows OK. I went
over her preferences and we can't see what might be the trouble. Both
of us have 1.4.3 installed. Anyone have a suggestion?

We'd need more details in order to diagnose it. In fact, I'm confused
as to precisely what the problem is. Does the document typeset, but
the resulting .pdf file simply omit the images? Or does typesetting fail?

Also, what does Console.app say when you try typesetting? Does the
LaTeX log (Documents > LaTeX Log) reveal anything?

As I tried to explain, the images just don't SHOW in the LyX program
screen, even tho "Show in LyX" is checked in the image dialog box. Some
images show in LyX, others (PS and PDF format) do not. We get "Error
converting to loadable format" but just on her macbook.

As to "typesetting" if you mean does the PDF generate, yes, we do not
have trouble there at all. Images display, the PDF is fine. Since that is no trouble I'm not sure examining the LaTeX log will help. I looked
in there, see lots of output, not sure what I'm looking for.

Is this resolved?

Well, in a way. My colleague's macbook died before we could try out the suggested fixes. I've been waiting for it to be fixed, but when it could not be fixed (and it was just over 30 days old), she was given a new one and she has no problems with LyX with that one. She believes now that perhaps imagemagic was not installed properly.

Thanks everyone for the help and suggestions! You are all a great resource.

Sue Kientz

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