"Timothy Reaves"  a écrit :
> I'm using the book document class.  It seems that chapters are the only 
> high level entity to be included into a ToC, and it seems Chapters and 
> Sections are the high level classes for the document.

- Go to "Document" --> "parameter" ---> Numbering & TOC : you can adjust the 
- As Juergen Spitzmueller advised me those marked with * are not suppose to 
appear in the TOC.
- If you does not want any numbering put the corresponding slider to "0f" 
(lefthandside) and use the entries which are supposed to have number.
- When you have that, you can check with Document --> Table of contents.

 This seems -
> well, not odd so much as plain wrong.  Most books I have would include 
> things like the Index, List of Figures, and even the ToC in the ToC.

For inserting index that's no problem, just place the "index button" 
(Insert --> Floating ...) where you want to see it.
The same for the others.
However I supposed that you used the floating placement for your figures and 
pictures, otherwise I don't think it will work (if you used the fixed one : 
no reference).

> Also, they support other high level, non-numbered entities, such as 
> appendices, glossaries, etc.
> So am I using the wrong document class, or is it really that limited?
Hope it helps


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