Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> Michael Chen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I once succeeded on using the recommended method: insert JabRef bib
>> file, and then insert Citation,and  then I see a very conveninent list
>> of citations to choose from. However it only works for a while, and I
>> am not able to see the list of citations any more. Any hints?
> I can't swear it applies here, but problems with .bib files frequently
> seem to track back to a broken/illegally formatted reference within
> the .bib file.  I use JabRef, and AFAIK a .bib file built in JabRef
> acts just like a .bib file built by a text editor.  So the first thing
> I would look into would be the possibility of a bad reference.
> You might try copying the .bib file and then deleting half the
> entries.  If it still doesn't work, pare down the half you kept; if it
> does work, switch to the other half.  Iterate ad nauseum.
Another option is to compile the LaTeX manually. If there's an error in
the .bib file, it'll be reported by BibTeX, and that can help you track
it down. Yet another option is to open the .bib file in a decent LaTeX
editor, one that provides enough syntax highlighting to help you find
matching brackets.


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