On Sunday 29 October 2006 12:25, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> How would I accomplish this:
> Instructions for Authors on How to Prepare
> an Electronic Manuscript with Microsoft Word
> ##(I am working of course with Lyx/Latex)##
> for Contributed Volumes
> Author One^1 and Author Two^2
> 1     University of Some Place, Department, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 2     University of Other Place, Department, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Usually if it is one author per institute you just write the authors side by 
side and the institutes side by side. You only use the markings if that is 
not the same.

Some document classes have an institute group, or you can use multiline author 
(break a line with \\)

Institute information can be grouped using \parbox in ert (probably available 
from the menu but I don't know).

I don't know if numbering is possible automatically, but you can do it 
manually using superscripts http://wiki.lyx.org/FAQ/Using#toc13
or with math $^1$. some documents use other signs such as dagger and * for 

> I tried to use footnotes behind the authors, but would like to have the
> addresses immediately below the  Author One^1 and Author Two^2 and not at
> the bottom of the page.
> Any ideas?
> Wolfgang
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