I would like to install the latest version of Mac-LyX 1.4 (1.4.3, I believe), without uninstalling or incapacitating in any way my current installation of LyX (1.3.7). The reason for this is that I have a big project (a book) plus smaller projects which have been completed in 1.3.7 but are now in reviewers' hands. Since I will most likely need to edit them again, I would like to avoid all complications arising from a switch to a major different version. On the other hand, I would also like to start new projects with LyX 1.4 and take advantage of the many new features. Is this possible? The readme file for the Mac-LyX installer does not seem to take this double installation into account and the brief description of the file sounds rather scary when read in this perspective. For example, the readme file says the installer will "delete a couple of files no longer needed" from previous installations.

Any advice?



Stefano Franchi
Department of Philosophy                  Ph:  (64)  9 373-7599 x83940
University Of Auckland                  Fax: (64) 9 373-8768
Private Bag 92019                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
New Zealand                     

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