I have a second question concerning the hyperref package:

I have in the pdflatex output boxes around the hyperlinks, which does not look nice at all (see attached screenshot) and I don't seem to be able to make sense out of the hyperref manual.

Can anyone point out which options I have to set to get the urls in different test colours and e.g. in font type enhanced?

Thanks a lot,


Rainer M. Krug, Dipl. Phys. (Germany), MSc Conservation
Biology (UCT)

Department of Conservation Ecology and Entomology
University of Stellenbosch
Matieland 7602
South Africa

Tel:            +27 - (0)72 808 2975 (w)
Fax:            +27 - (0)86 516 2782
Fax:            +27 - (0)21 808 3304 (w)
Cell:           +27 - (0)83 9479 042


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