To all LyX developers;

I want everyone to know how thankful I am of the effort you've all put into 
LyX.  I know (first hand, actually) that when you put something out in the 
"Open" World, very few users will acknowledge their indebtedness to the 
efforts, and great ideas of the contributors.

I, personnally, use LyX to generate LaTeX templates for pre-formatted reports 
on RF devices, where all the electrical parameters are tabulated and plotted in 
a beautiful report with great headers and footers, which also include the 
company graphic.  I use LyX to get the format I want, then embed the TeX into 
my code, process it through LaTeX, and voila, a PDF.  I can't even contemplate 
using the alternative (Word ActiveX, give me a break!).  LyX has also served as 
the greatest resource in learning TeX, I do what I want in LyX, and examine the 
TeX output.

Thanks, guys,


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