On Mon, 18 Dec 2006 19:02:07 +1100
Russell Davie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have used the binaries made by the LyX Deb team when I ran Debian and they 
> are 100% reliable.  Thanks guys!
> Now I am Ubuntu-Dapper which is limited to LyX 1.3.7.  To get most recent 
> (1.4.3) I compiled from source which works.  However this
> bypasses the packaging system. More recently I found out about how to make 
> simple Debian packages using checkinstall. To make a deb with checkinstall is 
> a relatively easy thing to do.  Technically its a Debian packaging layer on 
> top of compiling from source.  Although checkinstall makes a deb that fits 
> into the the Debian packaging system,  the package is lacking notification 
> for dependencies.  So it can't be considered official deb package in any way. 
> I have used checkinstall to make a deb package of 1.4.3.  This also works 
> well and fits into the Ubuntu packaging system.  
> If you want my recent checkinsall deb for LyX 1.4.3. to run on Ubuntu-Dapper, 

I don't know about Ubuntu, but debian-etch comes with LyX 1.4.3 now, so there
is really no need to make your own package.  It might also be not a great idea
to distribute it, since that might not be compatible with the official one
in terms of dependencies.

Does Ubuntu come in various levels of "cutting-edge"-ness like pure debian
does? Maybe there is already a package there you could use.  


David L. Johnson

   __o   | Deserves death!  I daresay he does.  Many that live deserve
 _`\(,_  | death.  And some that die deserve life.  Can you give it to
(_)/ (_) | them?  Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. 
           -- J. R. R. Tolkein  

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