Hi everyone:

I need some help on accented letters.

I managed to convert a long, multi-file manuscript from its original Framemaker format into LyX. However, I an now facing a problem with accents. All the accented letters have been converted as LaTeX escape sequences. For instance, é is \i \'{e} (in the LyX file) or \'{e} (in LaTeX. This would not be a problem, since the file prints correctly, except that the LyX display is completely screwed up. LyX puts the accent about a line above where they should go and as a result the text is barely readable (there are *many* accents in my text).

I am not really sure why LyX behaves this way, but I have seen this behaviour in the pasty (and reported it here), so I am not surprised. I am hunting for suggestions on how to get out of the pickle. I could do a search and replace in an external editor and substitute all LaTeX sequences with properly accented characters. However, since there is a potentially large number of combinations and the manuscript is split over several files, the operation would be very time-consuming and potentially error prone. Unless I could find a program/editor allowing me to do multiple replace over multiple files at once. I am not aware or any such programs for Mac/Linux, though? Perhaps the more technically oriented readers of this list know better?
Or perhaps there are other possible solutions I have not considered?

Any help is greatly appreciated. I am using LyX 1.4.3 on MacOs 10.3.9, BTW.



Stefano Franchi
Department of Philosophy                  Ph:  (64)  9 373-7599 x83940
University Of Auckland                  Fax: (64) 9 373-8768
Private Bag 92019                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
New Zealand                     

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