Check if your firewall is blocking FTP connections. Once MikTex has an
open FTP connection, all classes are downloaded and a non empty
textclass.lst is generated.

If after this step the problem persists, copy this textclass.lst to
"\document and settings\<user>\Application Data\Lyx1.4.x", this should
solve your problem.

At least this is how I solved it today while installing LyX over
Vista, after the same problem happened to me.

Hope it helps...

On 1/30/07, Paul A. Rubin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thomas Sauter wrote:

>>> Problem of the german version of the path?
>> I don't think so.  If you open a DOS prompt and run 'set h', what do you
> see for your home drive and home directory?
> HOMEPATH=\Dokumente und Einstellungen\sauter

This is fine.  (If your home path were on a remote server, it might
account for part of the problem.)

>> This indicates that a packages.lst file was created.  What directory
> were you in when you ran  Is there a packages.lst file
> there now, and, if so, is it empty or not?
> I was in
> C:\lyx
> and typed
> c:\lyx14\python\python.exe c:\lyx14\Resources\
> There is a packages.lst file now and it is empty (0 Byte).

The output you quoted from the configure script ended with

> +  checking for ec fonts... yes
> +  checking for ec support in LaTeX format... yes
> +checking for document class IEEEtran [IEEEtran]...
> creating packages.lst
> creating doc/LaTeXConfig.lyx

Is this everything that the script displayed at the end (nothing cut
out)?  If so, it suggests that something happened while LyX was looking
for LaTeX classes (specifically the IEEEtran class, which I think may be
the first it tries to find).  Is there a C:\lyx\doc folder containing a
file named LaTeXConfig.lyx?  If so, you can open it with Notepad or any
other text editor or viewer.  There should be a section like the following:

\begin_layout Subsection

\begin_layout Description
Found: yes

My guess is that yours will say Found: no.

If this is the case, we need to determine why the search for classes is
breaking down.  MikTeX gives you three options for situations where a
document uses a missing class: automatically download; ask permission to
download; or fail.  You set this in the MikTeX Options program (General
tab, package installation).  If yours is set to download automatically
and you do not have an Internet connection (or MikTeX is set to look at
a local repository), I suppose something might go wrong.  I leave this
set on "Ask permission", and when upgrading LyX I just say 'no' to each
request to install a class.


Julio Rojas

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