I use the fig2ps script (available on sourceforge) to convert xfig to eps, and then use the eps file in LyX. My makefile has entry:

%.eps : %.fig
        @echo "Making $@ from $<"
@fig2ps --forcespecial --add=epsfig --input=../../2120/notes/ 2120head.tex --bbox=dvips --eps $<
        rm *.tmp.*

which I use to convert from .fig to .eps files. This usually gives pleasing results.

A. Scottedward Hodel, 334 844-1854, fax 334 844-1809
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.eng.auburn.edu/~hodelas

On Jan 31, 2007, at 12:41 PM, Philipp Fleig wrote:

Hello everybody,

I am not sure whether this forum is the right adress for my question, but I will give it a try anyway. I have created a number of images using Xfig, which all have labels/ text in them. Unfortunately the text does not come out very well and I would also like to include some math symbols, which Xfig cannot do anyway. Therefore I would now like to edit the latex files of the images, which I exported in Xfig. The only problem is that when I try to convert the edited latex file in LyX back to a pdf or postscript, I get lots of errors saying things like 'undefined sequence' ... I guess the problme is that I am missing some package, but I do not really know which one.
Does anyone know how to fix this? Should say that I am a beginner.
Thank you.

Best Wishes,

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