Luis Garavito wrote:

I am user of Lyx, and for a little problem I uninstaled the program. When I
was installing Lyx again, everything is right during the process, I follow
(I guess!) all the instruction, and it end successfully.  But when I star
Lyx, show this message:

"LyXTextClassList::Read: no textclasses found!"

and the program is closed. I reinstalled the program several times, and
maintaining the internet connection during the installation process and when
I try to use it, but  it doesn´t work.

Sorry but I a little desperate, do you know how it can work again?  (my OS
is Windows XP, the version that I try to install is 1.4.3-5, I have already
installed MikTex 2.5 updated, Ghostscript and ImageMagick.)

Luis Antonio Garavito

Several things can cause this (all curable). If you have MikTeX set to automatically download packages as needed, try setting it to deny downloads. Then delete whatever LyX installed in your user directory (which will be C:\Documents and Settings\<your id>\Application Data\LyX1.4.x unless your home is somewhere else) and start LyX again.

If that doesn't work, open a DOS prompt in the parent of you home directory (C:\Documents and Settings\<your id>\Application Data for most people) and run

<path to LyX>\python\python.exe <path to LyX>\Resources\

then try to start LyX. If that doesn't work either, post whatever output you got in the DOS window.

If you're not sure where your home directory is, open a DOS window and run 'set h'; the settings for HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH provide the answer.


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