Dear Uwe, >> Now, after some output, the "DOS-Box" stays open. And it >> will stay open unless one closes it, and also it will >> re-appear again after restarting of LyX.
> This console will stay open together with LyX's main Window. > The official installer use a special wrapper programm to > hide the console window. Until this > solution is not official it's not included. Well, meanwhile I actually find the output in that console window quite interesting, if not alone for the purpose of seeing/watching that something is done, when waiting for output to be generated. Instead of just disappearance of that console window in "production" versions of LyX coming on, I definitely would like to have a switch somewhere to decide myself, wether to have that console window shown, or not. I even wouldn´t mind if such a switch would not be generally accessible somewhere from the LyX frontend menue, but maybe in a configuation file. Or even by a command line parameter switch. Tnx2u, Tom Schlangen --