On 2/20/07, Wolfgang Engelmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

First off, I haven't looked at this stuff for a while as I just got
what I wanted working, so these are just things to consider and I'm
throwing them out to you because you seem like you need whatever
suggestions you can get. You say:

And I did not manage to get the dbj working to change things for a slightly
changed bst. There is a diff- menu appearing when running latex djb

It's probably best that this is sorted out as the first priority!

You need to make sure that custom-bib is installed then

latex makebst

follow the prompts and the result is a yourfile.bst which is a
bibstyle definition file. You need to ensure that the package
babelbst.tex is installed and is visible to TeX (run texhash after
placing the package in the tex path (which can be determined using
"kpse). If you can't find the babelbst.tex file on your distro then
make a file called e.g. babelbst.ins with these contents:

% This is babelbst.ins
\input docstrip.tex

Then latex babelbst.ins and the resulting file is babelbst.tex, run
texhash etc, then can take either the (whatever you call
"yourstyle.bst" and place it in the tex path or else generate it from
the yourstyle.dbj using

latex yourstyle.dbj

Then go to Regenerate in LyX and then quit/restart and select this
custom style file in the bibliography button.

I have tried to make a bst file using makebst.
Unfortunately I am not familiar with all the English terms
and must have missed the place where I tell the idention

I got
    Somers, D., Devlin, P. and Kay, S. (1998) Phytochromes and cryptochromes
in the entrainment of the Arabidopsis circadian clock. Science 282, 1488–
 But wanted the first line left and the next lines right.

Is it acceptable to have a citation-key to the left?  If so then you
might be able to use e.g. one of the "authordate" styles depicted
here: http://www.cs.stir.ac.uk/~kjt/software/latex/showbst.html

If you don't want e.g. [1] or [Author2022] appearing in each work
cited entry in the bibliography then you probably want to modify the
natbib style as you're doing and look into changing the values of
bibhang and bibsep (see e.g. _The LaTeX Companion_, 2nd Edition Frank
Mittelback, Michael Goosens, Johannes Brahms, David Carlisle, Chris
12.3.2 Customizing the bibliography layout)

I hope some of the above is useful.  I suspect that the problem is
that your TeX path doesn't include the new bib style or you haven't
generated it fully.  That may be producing a blank indentation at the
start of each line.  (You can examine some of these values using e.g.
"kpsepath bib" to see which directories are examined by TeX for
bibliographies or "kpsepath tex" to see the directories examined for
installed TeX packages.  "info kpsepath" gives further details on
GNU/Linux or UNIX systems).

The easiest thing is that the publisher provides you with the .bst file

Oisin Feeley

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