On Sat, 24 Feb 2007 15:41:16 -0500
Paul Tremblay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have looked at the LyX tutorial, but I couldn't find any concrete
> examples on how to make my own layout. I have checked in my ~/.lyx
> directory and notice that I have nothing in either my example
> directory or my layout directory.

Okay, I found my layouts in /usr/local/share/lyx. (I was looking in
/usr/share for the lyx folder before). I found memoir.layout and copied
it to my local ~/.lyx/layout directory. I then modified the Standard
style to look like this:

Style Standard
        Margin                Static
        LatexType             Paragraph
        LatexName             dummy
        ParIndent             MM
        ParSkip               0.4
        Align                 Left
        AlignPossible         Block, Left, Right, Center
        LabelType             No_Label

I just changed one line: the value of Align from Block to left. This
gives me a left layout, but it no longer indents my paragrahs. I can get
around this by changing the paragraph separator in LyX to vertical
space, but I would prefer to have a first line indentation. I'm almost
possible that the way I got this to work was by doing something with
labels. I tried changing LabelThpe to Static and including a LabelString
to "MM" but that just gave me an M at the start of my paragraph.


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