 I have OpenSuse 10.2 and KDE 3.5
 I instaled lyx 1.5.0 beta 1 without problems.
 put ./configure --enable-optimization=O3
 make all
 make install-strip

 with this I loaded a work of about 300.000 word.
 Load and convertion work OK.
 1) paste fail
    with several windows open I noted that cut & paste
fail. First paste work OK, but second and so on, put
garbage instead my selection.

 2) view fail
    latex error: option clash for package inputenc
    latex error: option clash for package helvet
    then I deleted this entries in preamble and latex
run OK

 3) ispell fail
    I need to use ispell because aspell have problems
with acented characters.
    when I run spellchecker I get

    Unrecognized formatter type "latin9"

    I go to Preferences and:
    uncheck Use language default enconding
    then Select latin1 from list
    and active keyboard map
    and select espanol keymap

    then all work OK

 4) Glossary fail
    I inserted glossary and entrys and get
    Latex error: Undefined control sequence

 5) box fail
    I inserted box and get
    Latex error: Undefined control sequence

 6) Update pdf no work
    I pressed the button for PDF view, all OK,
    then modified my book, press the button for update
PDF and get error:
    font not found





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