On Monday 05 March 2007 18:30:13 Georg Baum wrote:

> This looks like a bug in LyX. You should not need to load any package in
> the preamble manually. Can you please file this at http://bugzilla.lyx.org,
> together with a minimal example .lyx file (with .svg file), and a
> screenshot of the correct and incorrect preview?

        OK. I'll try to do it today or tomorrow.

> > 3. A minor but annoying issue is that, while the PS documentis OK, when
> > using Veiw->PDF, the figures look very degraded (and no PSFrag, of
> > course). I am still looking into this.

> No need to look further. psfrags does not work with pdflatex, only with
> latex, so you need to use dvi2ps or dvipdfm to produce your pdf. This is
> documented.

        Yes, I found out about that. However, even converting PS to PDF gives  
slightly worse onscreen graphics. Not much, but enough to be annoying.

> Why not add your information to the wiki (especially the bit about the
> text-to-path switch)?

        Good idea. I've never edited a wiki, but this looks like a good reason 
begin. I'll do it as soon as I can.

        Thanks everybody for their comments!

        - Urtzi -

Urtzi Jauregi
Fakulteta za Matematiko in Fiziko, Univerza v Ljubljani
Jadranska 19, Si-1000 Ljubljana

Tel: ++386 01 540 13 53

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