> Hi Charles,
> I've fixed all your problems. At least the formatting comes out
> correct when I run your document.
> Here you should use as your preamble. Get rid of the previous stuff I
> told you to add. 
> \makeatletter
> \renewcommand\tableofcontents{%
>     \else
>     \fi
>     \chapter*{\contentsname
>     \thispagestyle{empty}
>            \MakeUppercase\contentsname}{\MakeUppercase\contentsname}}%
>     }
> \renewcommand\listoftables{%
>     \else
>     \fi
>     \chapter*{\listtablename}%
>     \thispagestyle{empty}
>     \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{LIST OF TABLES} 
>           \MakeUppercase\listtablename}%
>          {\MakeUppercase\listtablename}%
>     }
> \renewcommand\listoffigures{%
>     \else
>     \fi
>     \chapter*{\listfigurename}%
>     \thispagestyle{empty}
>     \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{LIST OF FIGURES}
>               {\MakeUppercase\listfigurename}%
>     }
>     \makeatother
> Let me explain what I am doing. It is simple and worth your while to
> understand because as a  physicist I assume you will be using latex
> again.
> First, in order to redefine the command, I had to start off with a
> makeatletter command. This tells latex to look at symbols such as "@"
> and not to choke. I end this special environment with a makeatother.
> You only need to do this if you are redefining something very basic.
> Next, I renenew the commands for the toc, lot, and lof. In order to
> find out what these commands were, I opened up the report.cls and
> simply cut and paste. So for the listoftables, every line is the
> same as it was in the report class *except for 2 lines.* these two
> lines are:
>  \thispagestyle{empty}
>  \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{LIST OF TABLES}
> I added these commands right after the \chapter command, because that
> is where they would normally have to go. For instance, if you wrote
> this latex code:
> \chapter*{Observations in the lab}
> And you wanted to the page style to be empty and you wanted to add the
> title to the toc, you would write:
> \chapter*{Observations in the lab}
>  \thispagestyle{empty}
>  \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Obserations in the lab}
> Again, notice how I added the apporiate lines *after* the \chapter
> command.
> Your code wasn't working because you were adding the 
>  \thispagestyle{empty}
>  \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{...}
> in the wrong place. Once you issued the \listoftables command, latex
> was doing a \chapter command, writing all the text, and then making an
> empty page style--too late. Likewise, you tried to issue the
> \addcontentsline too soon, before the \chapter was issued by latex.
> That's why your page numbers showed up 1 too short.
> Normally you don't have to alter the preamble in order to change page
> style and to add contents to your toc. In this special case you do,
> because the \chapter* command is issued *inside* the \listoftables
> command. 
> Hope that makes sense.
> Try creating a PDF document with LyX itself and see if the page
> numbers still come out correct. If not, you will have to export the
> document and then run latex 3 times--unless someone on this mailing
> list knows how to make LyX run latex 3 times. There is a way you can
> automate the whole process. I Know because I am doing that with my
> girlfriend's thesis. I run:
> lyx -e latex thesis.lyx
> And I get a document called thesis.tex. I then run latex on this the
> right number of times. However, I do all of this with a Makefile, so
> really all's I have to do is type:
> make
> from the terminal and I get thesis.pdf
> You may not need to do any of this.
> Paul
> PS
> I notcie this code in your preamble:
> \makeatletter
> \let\myTOC\tableofcontents
> \renewcommand{\tableofcontents}{%
>   \begingroup
>   \pagestyle{empty}
>   \myTOC
>   \endgroup%
> }
> \makeatother
> You can get rid of that, since we redefine toc to do what this code
> does.
> PSS 
> You probably should rename your images so they have no spaces in them.
> Unix systems work much better that way, and you will save yourself
> some headaches. 

Hi Paul, 
 That worked!!  Thank you so much for the help and your patience.  It
was a very good learning experience!  I am still very new to LaTex and
Lyx, but its people like you and mailing lists like this who help make
things understandable.  
   I actually have a few smaller other problems that I would like to
ask, but the most annoying one right now has to due with figure
placement.  I use the Float-figure command to insert images(which I
renamed to have no spaces, thanks paul) and sometimes the caption gets
cut off and shows up on the next page.  So if the image is near the
bottom of the page, the caption wont be with with it, and will just be a
single line at the top of the next page.  I have tried the various place
float here options in Lyx, but nothing seems to work.  Is there any
command to insert in to fix this?  
Again, thanks alot!

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