On 3/8/07, Hellmut Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Andrés,
thanks for the pointer to the ebuild for lyx-1.5.0b1 ebuild.

I downloaded it, editet the options for the suffix etc. as indicated by
Georg and Russel but I couldn't convince emerge to use it. eix too
ignored it.

What would I have to do to get it working?

Hello Hellmut,

You should place the ebuild in an overlay, lets say
"/usr/local/portage". Edit /etc/make.conf adding this:


-Then create  these complete route: /usr/local/portage/app-office/lyx/files
- Move the ebuild there
- cp /usr/portage/app-office/lyx/files/lyx.desktop
- Put the patch in the Gentoo bugzilla (lyx-1.5.0_beta1-gentoo.patch)
in /usr/local/portage/app-office/lyx/files
- ebuild /usr/local/portage/app-office/lyx/lyx-1.5.0_beta1.ebuild digest
- emerge -av lyx

BTW i verified the packages mentioned in the DEPEND sections: most have
already been merged some of the libX's weren't known to eix. ???

The emerge -av lyx should list the dependencies portage is going to merge .

I hope it helps


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