Rich Shepard wrote:

I generate a PDF using the handout option, then use the print settings in
Acrobat Reader (or equivalent) to print either two or four slides per
page, depending on how much space I need for notes.  If you turn off
scaling in AR, you get a lot of whitespace for notes (but a fairly small
image of the slide).

  Acroread doesn't appear to have those options under Print->Setup. Paper
size and orientation is all.

Is this on Linux? Don't know how AR works there. I'm looking at AR 8.0 on Win XP right now. If I click File -> Print (or equivalent shortcut/tool button), there's a preview of one page on the right and (amongst other things) a "Page Handling" section on the left that includes a check box for "Auto-Rotate and Center" and a drop-down list for "Page Scaling". If I uncheck the former and set the latter to None (with the default settings of letter size paper, portrait mode), my slide scrunches itself up into the upper left corner leaving lots of white space for scribbling. Same thing works with AR 7.0.

A much more tedious approach, but one that would let you type your notes in LyX, would be to export a PDF handout version, use a PDF utility to break it up into individual pages, then start an article in LyX and import each slide as a graphic, to be followed by notes. One could also just write the notes in LyX, print them, then cut and paste them onto the whitespace of the printed slides.


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