On Mon, 19 Mar 2007 11:56:11 -0400
"Paul A. Rubin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Micha Feigin wrote:
> > I'm trying to set a colored background for some definitions in my document
> > (course notes and I want to get the effect of using a marker to highlight
> > some things).
> > 
> > using the package xcolor and the \colorbox{gray!30}{text} inside the
> > definition mostly achieves the desired effect, although it fails if I have
> > nested environments
> > 
> > definition: \colorbox{gray}{
> > blah balh
> > enumerate:
> > 1. text
> > 2. text
> > \end enumerate
> > }
> > \end definition
> > 
> > throws errors (this is not the actual latex ...) it says, something wrong,
> > perhaps missing \item
> I think the problem is that a colorbox is the wrong kind of box (does 
> not allow enumerations inside) (maybe).
> > 
> > Is there a good way to achieve this?
> You can nest a minipage or parbox inside the colorbox, but unless you 
> want the color to extend to the margin, you'll need to fiddle with the 
> width of the minipage manually.  I've attached a small example.

The problem is not with the color extending to the margin but also with the
text being very badly lined up (at least with hebrew).

You suggestion finaly lead to a working solution. I also needed to add
\setlanguage commands because if the \colorbox is used in a hebrew environment,
the box shows up fine but the text doesn't show up at all.

The only problem is that lyx makes a rather serious mess with the layout

the enumeration numbers and definition text are aligned to the left while the
text is aligned to the right (hebrew - right to left text), and the minipage is
clipped off to the right of the screen

> There may be better ways to do this.  (I'm no TeXpert.)
> /Paul

Attachment: newfile2.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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