
I have got an old CorelDraw-CD with lots of Bitstream fonts on it and want to use Bembo for my document (scrbook, headings).
I did all the compiling stuff and the font works now.
There's only one thing I can't figure out:
When I use Times (or any other font) everything's fine and I get headings at the top of each page.
But when I switch to Bembo all headings have disappeared.
As I'm quite new to LaTeX and LyX I couldn't figure out where the error is. Can anybody help me? (I know, maybe this is not a very LyX-specific question.)

My preamble in Lyx

\usepackage{microtype, fixltx2e, mparhack}
%\usepackage{colortbl}% does not work together with arydshln
%\usepackage{mathptmx}% a better Times

Thank you.

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