On Tue, Apr 10, 2007 at 01:11:53PM -0700, James Yu wrote: > Hi, Enrico, > Great you have tried something and succeeded. > Will you share with us the "utility"?
No problem. Please find attached a tar archive containing an executable and a bash script. You can put LyXPipeWatcher.exe wherever you want, but it is mandatory that you copy the script to the cygwin /usr/local/bin directory. I don't know if I am allowed to redistribute modified sources from http://www.relisoft.com/win32/watcher.html so I am not including them. The sources are copyrighted but I could not find anything about redistribution. Usage is as follows. Prerequisites: - Cygwin version of LyX (either the official one using Qt3/X11 or mine own build using Qt3/Win will do). - Make sure that you have the cygwin bin directory in your system PATH. Most probably this is c:\cygwin\bin and you should add it to the Path variable in the "System properties/Advanced/Environment variables" panel (on Win2k I get it by choosing Properties after right clicking on the "My Computer" icon). You need admin privileges to do this. - Once you are in the previous panel, make sure that a variable named HOME is set, pointing to your cygwin home directory. For example, this could be c:\cygwin\home\James (use the Windows syntax here). Usage with JabRef: - Set the lyxpipe path in LyX. You should set this path in the "LyXServer pipe:" entry you see after Tools->Preferences->Paths. Use the cygwin syntax here. Under the hypothesis that your cygwin home directory is c:\cygwin\home\James, I suggest using something like /home/.lyx/lyxpipe. Save the preferences and restart LyX. - Set the lyxpipe path in JabRef. Use whatever path you like here but make sure that it is *different* from the previous one. - Launch LyXpipeWatcher.exe specifying on the command line (or in a shortcut) the same lyxpipe path you gave to JabRef (the bash script will figure out by itself what is the real lyxpipe path). - Once you have LyX, JabRef and LyXpipeWatcher running, try pushing a reference to LyX. You should see a console window flashing briefly and then the reference should appear in LyX. -- Enrico
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