Stacia Hartleben wrote:
> I'm still a little confused about it even after reading the wiki and
> that page. Is there any way I could just put in a little ERT somewhere
> and have the lists still be displayed in LyX as numbered lists (I
> don't care if the numbers look wrong, I just want it to still look
> like lists or I will get confused with formatting and spell checking)

You could add the following style to your layout file:

Style Enumerate_Resume
        Margin                Static
        LatexType             Item_Environment
        LatexName             resumeenumerate
        NextNoIndent          1
        LeftMargin            MMN
        LabelSep              xx
        ParSkip               0.0
        ItemSep               0.2
        TopSep                0.7
        BottomSep             0.7
        ParSep                0.3
        Align                 Block
        AlignPossible         Block, Left
        LabelType             Enumerate

The numbering within LyX is wrong (reset), though.


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