Stacia Hartleben wrote:

> I just realized that this could work if you were to manually put the
> \dn around all unicode text. This vaguely rings a bell about how
> someone solved the CJK problem, but I can't seem to find the mail
> right now...something like that CJK was solved by manually putting the
> \being{CJK} command in front of everything?

You mean probably this:

> I don't remember how this 
> was resolved but if the developers added something to account for
> certain blocks of unicode text (CJK, Devanagari, etc) or even a manual
> switch to "turn on" marking of the text as CJK/Devang/etc  we could
> probably solve this problem. I would be happy to write out a file for
> the Devanag package when I have time.

Please enter this to bugzilla if you don't want it to be forgotten.

> Also did you ever post your IPA file on linguistlyx? I can take a look
> at that and see if I can add any symbols..although honestly I hardly
> ever have use for most of those really bizarre ones in there (though
> strangely enough I needed a symbol in there once that I couldn't find!
> And no, it wasn't the labiodental flap.)

I added a section about this file now.


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