In my laptop i use the same version of lyx and work fine....
In the laptop of my supervisor i try to install Lyx beta2 and i get this error! :-( The only difference is the windows language, my in english and the windows of my supervisor is Portuguese.
Best Regards


Valter Filipe Silva wrote:
Did not work :(
Best regards

Uwe Stöhr wrote:
Valter Filipe Silva schrieb:

I have a problem with my Lyx 1.5 Beta2 under Windows.
This message appear in the place of the figure (.eps):
"Error converting to loadable format"

This problem can occur when you are using incompatible versions of Ghostscript and ImageMagick.
You can do this to fix:

- either update the programs to the latest versions of the programs when you have installed them
  separately beside LyX.
Then check if the paths to the programs are correct in LyX'S menu Preferences -> Paths ->
  PATH_PREFIX; fix them if they are wrong.

- or deinstall the programs,
  deinstall LyX,
  reinstall LyX using the complete installer version from here:

regards Uwe

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