Dominik Waßenhoven wrote:
> Daniel Lohmann schrieb:
>> Sometimes, I have to admit it, I still "draw" tables with Word or
>> Excel and export them as EPS figures into my LyX document...
> There's a tool that could be interesting for you, excel2latex:

Yes, I know it. Unfortunately it does *exactly not* solve my problem :-)

excel2latex converts structure and content of a table, but not the
layout details -- which are the issue.

While I know how to build some table in LyX/LaTeX, I get frequently
frustrated when I have  to tweak and optimize the layout (individual
cell width, border styles, inner-cell margins, fonts, ...)

Nevertheless, excel2latex is quite useful if you are doing your
calculations in Excel anyway, have to export large tables, and do not
care about the formatting.


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