two remarks:

1) When i start lyx-rc1 from the command line i get 11 messages:
'Menu warning: menu entries "Stichwort|w" and "Zweig|w" share the same shortcut.'

I couldn't find the place where these menu entries are defined, to correct the ambiguity.

2) It sems that lyx-rc1 is sometimes much slower than other times.
I had the impression that this was the case when i called it the very first time after the installation both as normal user and as root.
Is that due to the generation of the directory '~/.lyx' ?

But then i had another file on which it worked much slower than before and i don't see any reason for that.
Has anybody else similar effects?


Dr. Hellmut Weber         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Degenfeldstraße 2         tel   +49-89-3081172
D-80803 München-Schwabing mobil +49-172-8450321
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