Well that did it, the menus are there as they should be, though now it won't recognize one of my TeX styles, mhchem.sty. (it may not find some of the other ones that I use as well, that is just the first one I've noticed.) According to the TeX information dialog it knows that its there, and when the menus were missing it could find the package just fine. Thoughts?

The only customization that I used was the windefault.ui set from the wiki. I've been doing that for quite a while and it hadn't given me any grief, though with the major code shift that my not have been the best choice.

I just did a little experiment, I went back to my original LyX-1.5 file, after going into the preferences and changing the ui back to default. It works fine and the system will now also pick up my packages, so I think that the ui issue lies in importing the windefault ui files from the previous release. Though, that still doesn't explain the problem with the extra packages that I use. Let me know what files out of my support file you need to view and I'll make them available. And before anyone asks, the first thing that I did when I had this problem was run texhash and reconfigure... and I did it a couple of time just to be safe with no result.

Mike Anderson

On Jun 2, 2007, at 5:30 AM, Bennett Helm wrote:

Bo Peng wrote:
On 6/1/07, Michael Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
how do you mean?
Lyx uses a $HOME/.lyx to save all sorts of settings. Although I have
never experienced your problem, it is possible that these old settings
conflict with the new ones. You can mv .lyx .lyx1 and restart lyx and
see what happens.

Actually, on Mac the folder is at ~/Library/Application Support/ LyX-1.5. Try moving that out of the way (don't delete it!), and restarting as Bo suggests.

We should try to figure out what went wrong for you (which is why I said you shouldn't delete that folder). Have you customized .ui files, e.g.? Anything else?


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