Hi Lyx Community, First, thanks for Lyx, it made some things easier and nicer to do.
Well, I am trying to import a latex template for a conference, but the title and authors disappear. It would be very nice if someone con point me out how to import this template to Lyx. I am appending the latex files to this message, they are small anyway. If that should not be done, please tell me. I am using Lyx 1.4.3, apt package for kubuntu 6.10. Thanks in advace, gk
@Book{knuth:89, author = {Donald E. Knuth}, title = {The {\TeX} Book}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley}, year = {1989}, edition = {15th} } @InCollection{smith:99, author = {A. Smith and B. Jones}, title = {On the Complexity of Computing}, booktitle = {Advances in Computer Science}, pages = {555--566}, publisher = {Publishing Press}, year = {1999}, editor = {A. B. Smith-Jones} }
Description: TeX document
Description: PostScript document
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