Make a bug report in bugzilla please.


the attached file is the reduced form of a template i have prepared into which i edit the path to and the name of the document when using it (doing a tiny bit of bash scripting).

1.) Open the file with RC1 from the command line, in my case
$ lyxrc1 D_Test_01.lyx

you will see at the end an ERT box ending with '... D'
leave lyxrc1 open.

2.) Open the file with a text editor (gvim in my case)
you will see that the text in the ERT box ends with '... D\_Test\_01'

3.) Generate the pdf with alt+v, then f (alt+i in my german version)
the document ends with the single letter 'D'

4.) Close lyxrc1
the file has not changed.

Repeat steps 1. - 4. but this time change something.
After closing lyxrc1 look at the file with gvim (or less or tail):
the line now ends with '... D', i.e. thre part not shown before has now been truncated.

This behaviour is a bit annoying for me because i have lots of files and directories which contain underscore symbols.

Any ideas?

Otherwise I'm quite happy with lyxrc1, bo crahses so far ;-)



Dr. Hellmut Weber         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Degenfeldstraße 2         tel   +49-89-3081172
D-80803 München-Schwabing mobil +49-172-8450321
please: No DOCs, no PPTs. why:
#LyX 1.5.0rc1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 271
\textclass scrartcl
\language ngerman
\inputencoding latin1
\font_roman default
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\quotes_language english
\papercolumns 1
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\paperpagestyle default
\tracking_changes false
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\author "leo"


\begin_layout Standard
Hier kommt jetzt noch weiterer Text, um die Seite irgendwie voll zu schreiben. Der eine kurze Satz wird dazu sicher nicht reichen, deshalb kommt hier
 ein weiterer, etwas längerer, der aber immer noch nicht reichen wird.
Und so machen wir halt nochmal mit einem ebenso inhaltslosen Satz, weiter
 \SpecialChar \ldots{}
 und weiter \SpecialChar \ldots{}
 und weiter \SpecialChar \ldots{}
 und so weiter und so fort.

\begin_layout Standard
\InsetSpace ~


\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset ERT
status inlined

\begin_layout Standard

emph{Pfad zum Dokument:}



\begin_layout Standard

/home/leo/leo/Tests/Lyxument/2007-06-06 / D\_Test\_01




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Description: Signierter Teil der Nachricht

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