Hi all,
 I am writing my thesis using a pretty basic set up in Lyx 1.4.4 for Mac.
I used Bibdesk for Mac to manage my bibl. entries and just entered a bibtex
bibliography that Bibdesk created at the end of my document.  Everything is
fine except for two things:  1) All the first pages of a new section(ie
first page of TOC, first page of new chapter, etc) have no number and the
numbering starts on the next page.  I used \thispagestyle{empty} to
accomplish this and it worked fine.  After the last page of text in the
thesis, I did a page break and then put \thispagestyle{empty} before
inserting my bibtex bibliography, but the page number still appears on the
first page of the bib...  How can I remove this?
 Secondly, I had bibtex insert the bibliography in the TOC, but it writes
bibliography in lower case letters, and all my other chapters etc are
written in all caps.  How can I change what bibtex calls the bibliography in
the TOC?
 Thanks in adavance,

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