Nicolás wrote:

I am experimenting some behaviour with the cross-reference dialog that, I think, is not the most appropriate or desirable one. I am using LyX 1.4.4, so I would like to know if this also happens in Lyx 1.5 before opening a bug report.

I have some labels created with help of ERT insets.

I always had the impression that if the label is created with ERT,
then the reference must be done using ERT and the \ref command
as well.  At least it works, and those capable of creating a label
in ERT can usually do a \ref in ERT too.
I didn't know you could insert a LyX cross ref to an ERT label.

I have also found that I rarely need to insert a label via ERT.
When I need a label in the middle of some latex code, I
use two ERT boxes. The first contains latex code up to where
I need that label. Then I insert a normal LyX label immediately
after the ERT box. Finally, the last ERT box with the rest of the
latex code.
Splitting up the ERT like this lets me use a normal LyX label,
which will show up in the cross reference dialog as usual.

Helge Hafting

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