Robert Neumann wrote:
I have some AMS align environments and I would like to change the space above
and below these equations. From "the Latex Companion" and an older thread I
know, that this is difficult to change the settings. So I just added
\vspace*{-2mm} above at the end of the text. Works perfectly. But I fail to do
the same for the space below the equation.(If I insert the same at the first
place of the follwing paragraph, it changes the space between the first and the
second line of this paragraph)
Is there any way of changing this space?
Regards Robert

I took a look in Herbert Voss's excellent Mathmode guide ( I think you can do this by changing \abovedisplayskip and \belowdisplayskip, which govern space above/below a displayed equation that would otherwise overlap the previous/next line, and \abovedisplayshortskip and \belowdisplayshortskip, which do the same when the last/next line is short and would not overlap the equation text.

I'm not positive, but I believe you need to make the changes in ERT in the body of the document. I tried them in the preamble and they had no effect, but they worked as expected in the document body. For instance (in ERT):


Note that these changes remain in effect until you reset them.


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